Scientists identify compounds that could thwart post-traumatic stress disorder
A brain pathway that is stimulated by traumatic or fearful experiences can be disrupted by two compounds that show promise for preventing post-traumatic stress disorder, Indiana University researchers...
View ArticlePhysical activity shown to help young and elderly alike with lower-leg...
An Indiana University study that examined the effect of age and physical activity on lower leg muscle reflexes and coordination concluded that participation in physical activity was beneficial for...
View ArticleCollaborative model for promoting competence and success for students with ASD
Students with autism have the best chances of success in school through an individualized education model that involves teachers, service providers and parents, according to a new book co-authored by...
View ArticleGreater effort needed to move local, fresh foods beyond 'privileged' consumers
An Indiana University study that looked at consumers who buy locally grown and produced foods through farmer's markets and community-supported agriculture programs found the venues largely attract a...
View ArticleDuring IVF sexual relationships, satisfaction, can suffer
An Indiana University study has found that women undergoing in-vitro fertilization report that the process of infertility treatment has many negative impacts on their sexual relationship with their...
View ArticleSoda consumption, screen time, team sports at school influence students' weight
Soda consumption, TV and video/computer games, and the frequency of meals heavily influenced students' weight in an Indiana University study that examined the impact of a school-based obesity...
View ArticleIndoor workplace smoking bans garner strong support from Hoosiers
Public health researchers examining data from an Indiana Adult Tobacco Survey found nearly 75 percent of Hoosiers support a statewide or community indoor workplace smoking ban.
View ArticleResearchers report first effective treatment of tumors arising from common...
Physician-researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine have reported the first effective therapy for a class of previously untreatable and potentially life-threatening tumors often found in...
View ArticleHormone combination effective and safe for treating obesity in mice
Scientists at Indiana University and international collaborators have found a way to link two hormones into a single molecule, producing a more effective therapy with fewer side effects for potential...
View ArticleNetwork's 'it takes a village' approach improves dementia care and informs...
The approach of the Indianapolis Discovery Network for Dementia—with contributions from family members, community advocates, health care systems and researchers—improves dementia care and informs...
View ArticleNeuroimaging study: Negative messages less effective on those who are...
What types of public messages will most likely deter drug and alcohol abuse or dissuade people from engaging in risky behavior? Negatively framed messages may not be an effective way to reach those...
View ArticleUnique treatment proposed for children's developmental coordination disorder
An Indiana University study in the Journal of Child Neurology proposes an innovative treatment for developmental coordination disorder, a potentially debilitating neurological disorder in which the...
View ArticlePokemon provides rare opening for IU study of face-recognition processes
(Medical Xpress)—At a Bloomington, Ind., toy store, kids ages 8 to 12 gather weekly to trade Pokemon cards and share their mutual absorption in the intrigue and adventure of Pokemon.
View ArticlePostpartum women less stressed by threats unrelated to the baby, study finds
(Medical Xpress)—Following the birth of a child, new mothers may have an altered perception of stresses around them, showing less interest in threats unrelated to the baby. This change to the...
View ArticleRegenstrief study finds that generic drugs often have incorrect safety labeling
Despite U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations requiring generic medications to carry identical warnings to those on corresponding brand-name products, a study by Regenstrief Institute...
View ArticleNew study says molecular 'switch' may play role in tumor suppression
Newly published research by Indiana University structural biologist Joel Ybe and colleagues identifies a "topology switch" in the protein clathrin, the function of which may shed light on molecular...
View ArticleHealth and law expert: NFL not alone in handling concussions as 'benign'...
More than 2,000 former football players are suing the National Football League, saying the league should have taken action earlier to deal with injuries related to concussions more seriously.
View ArticleExpert says sport and food connection too strong to ignore
Spectator sports and food—often high-calorie or low-nutrition—have long gone hand-in-hand, yet FDA regulations geared toward calorie transparency at restaurant chains ignore this relationship. Popular...
View ArticleFish oil may protect dialysis patients from sudden cardiac death
Medical literature long has touted the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for the heart. But until now, researchers have not studied the potential benefit for people on hemodialysis, who are among the...
View ArticleCan computers save health care? Research shows lower costs, better outcomes
New research from Indiana University has found that machine learning - the same computer science discipline that helped create voice recognition systems, self-driving cars, and credit card fraud...
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