OPTIMISTIC study: Unique nurse practitioner role leads to safer care in...
Transfers of nursing home residents to and from the hospital frequently expose these frail, older adults to medication errors and poor follow-up care resulting in near or serious harm to one in four...
View ArticleStudy finds link between molecular mechanisms in prostate cancer and Ewing's...
Medical researchers at Indiana University Bloomington have found evidence for a link between prostate cancer, which affects millions of men age 50 and older, and Ewing's sarcoma, a rare form of cancer...
View ArticleNew tool from IU and Regenstrief measures communication experiences of...
More than 13 million older adults are admitted to hospitals annually in the United States. Nearly a quarter need to have all decisions made for them by a family member, and almost half need help from...
View ArticleHave a dental emergency? Your smartphone may soon be able to help you avoid...
Have a dental emergency? Your smartphone may be able to help you avoid an unnecessary trip to the hospital.
View ArticleStudy finds slight shift in attitudes toward bisexuals, from negative to neutral
While positive attitudes toward gay men and lesbians have increased over recent decades, a new study led by researchers at IU's Center for Sexual Health Promotion shows attitudes toward bisexual men...
View ArticleOPTIMISTIC study: Advance care planning in nursing homes challenging but...
The goal of advance care planning is to ensure that the health care an individual receives is consistent with his or her values and preferences. New research shows the critical need for advance care...
View ArticleNew low cost workforce is effective in decreasing depression burden in...
The Aging Brain Care Medical Home, a novel brain-focused population health management program implemented in the homes of older adults, lowered depression severity by more than 50 percent over six...
View ArticleEnsuring medical care is consistent with patient goals
It can be challenging to determine whether the medical care provided in a hospital or nursing home is consistent with the preferences of the patient and family as indicated in the patient's advance...
View ArticleCompound suggests pain treatment without opioid or medical marijuana side...
Indiana University neuroscientist Andrea Hohmann took the stage at a press conference Nov. 14 in San Diego to discuss research conducted at IU that has found evidence that the brain's cannabis...
View ArticleBisexual men and women face pay gap, study finds
Bisexual men and women are paid less for doing the same jobs than similarly qualified heterosexual men and women, according to Indiana University research that breaks new ground by treating bisexual...
View ArticleImplementation science looks to eHealth technology to enhance doctor-patient...
New and developing eHealth technologies have the potential to improve the patient-provider connection and patient-centered health care. An opinion piece authored by three physicians looks to...
View ArticleStudy finds occupational therapy unable to delay Alzheimer's patients'...
In the first study to investigate whether two years of in-home occupational therapy might help those with Alzheimer's disease delay the loss of their physical function, researchers from the Indiana...
View ArticleResearch shows preference for non-lethal protection of species
Americans believe endangered species are best protected when their habitats are protected and not when animal predators are killed, according to new Indiana University research.
View ArticleStudy finds activity trackers can work when paired with wellness coaching
With the holiday shopping season upon us and a new year just around the corner, many people will begin looking for ways to move more and eat less. Some of those people will turn to activity trackers to...
View ArticleVirtual liver model could help reduce overdose risk from acetaminophen, other...
Researchers at Indiana University's Biocomplexity Institute have developed a virtual model of the human liver to better understand how the organ metabolizes acetaminophen, a common non-prescription...
View ArticleExperts provide tips for staying on track this holiday season
The last of the leaves are falling, the Halloween candy is gone, and most Americans are turning their attention toward the holiday season.
View ArticleBabies' first words can be predicted based on visual attention, study finds
Indiana University psychologists have shown that a baby's most likely first words are based upon their visual experience, laying the foundation for a new theory of infant language learning.
View ArticleResearch explains why some presents are great to give but not to receive
Several years ago, Elanor Williams' parents gave her a large Himalayan salt block for Christmas, knowing how much she loved cooking and entertaining. Although she appreciated the gesture, she promptly...
View ArticleCommonly used drugs lead to more doctor's office, hospital and emergency...
Anticholinergic medications, a class of drugs very commonly used by older adults, are linked to an increased rate of emergency department and hospital utilization in the United States, according to an...
View ArticleResearchers launch tool to understand spread of fake news
The Observatory on Social Media at Indiana University has launched a powerful new tool in the fight against fake news.
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